Research & Development

The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy is currently looking to raise 2.4 million dollars in the next five years in its efforts to complete eight projects essential to the future of homeopathy.

The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy (CAH) relies on grants and donations to help fulfill its mission of research and development. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy is a not-for-profit organization incorporated with the Canadian government (Canadian Corporation Number: 2778513). Patrons of homeopathy have already made very generous donations to the CAH while others have included the CAH in their wills.

They are namely:

  1. Completion of the book
    Lessons in Pure Homeopathy, from the Writings of Hahnemann’s Best Student and Medicine’s Most Successful Practitioners, Adolph Lippe, M.D.
  2. Completion of the book
    The Weight of Evidence, The extraordinary Success of Homeopathy in Epidemics
  3. Completion of the Materia Medica Pura Project
  4. Re-activation of the International Hahnemannian Association (IHA)
  5. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy would like to sponsor a clinical research project on the treatment of rabid animals. 
  6. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy would like to sponsor a study on the homeopathic treatment of patients in ICU with pneumonia.
  7. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy would like to sponsor research that would first reproduce the force field experimentation conducted for over forty years by Harold Burr at Yale University and see if these fields are affected by homeopathic treatment.
  8. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy would like to sponsor research that would examine the question as to whether homeopathic treatment can affect epigenetics.

Total number of hours for the first three projects is estimated to be more than 35,000 hours. The estimated cost for the eight projects is 2.4 million dollars (US) over 5 years.

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Active improvement of the two most important tools for homeopaths:
Materia Medica and Repertories.

André Saine and all his colleagues of the MMPP (Materia Medica Pura Project) are improving the two most important tools available to practitioners, continuing the materia medica work of Samuel Hahnemann and Constantine Hering.

Since T. F. Allen and Constantine Hering compiled and published their comprehensive works of the homeopathic materia medica at the end of the 19th century, no further systematic revision of the materia medica has taken place. A great number of provings, cured cases, and intoxication and clinical experience reports have since been published and can be found scattered throughout a vast literature. They are lying there idle, and are therefore not accessible to practitioners in their day-to-day work. The main objective of the MMPP is to gather, index and integrate all this information into our materia medica and repertories with the ultimate aim to improve prescribing accuracy of every homeopathic practitioner.

For each individual remedy, a monograph (word file) is compiled with a clear presentation of the entire characteristic symptomatology, based on provings, intoxication and clinical experience reports, and on a collection of all available cases. We are offering two free monographs to all, the ones of Trillium pendulum and Quassia amara, as examples of the work of the MMPP. Only reliable and, for the main part, primary sources are considered. Modern sources are only used insofar as they are not speculative.


Homeopathy Research Evidence Base

Curated by Iris Bell M.D., Ph.D., and Peter Gold   |  › Download the PDF file