The objective of the Academy as a homeopathic school is to present a thorough and professional course in genuine homeopathy.
The Academy is a homeopathic school that was founded in November 1986 by a group of naturopathic physicians who were eager to provide homeopathic training of the highest standards and to promote the practice of homeopathy throughout Canada and the world. The mission of the Academy is also to advance the art and science of homeopathy by encouraging research and scientific inquiry, and to educate the public about the merits of homeopathic healthcare.
The orientation is practical: to train the best homeopathic prescribers in the shortest time, based on a solid foundation in homeopathic philosophy and method as taught and practiced by the great homeopaths of the past—Hahnemann, Lippe, Bœnninghausen, Wells, Hering, Dunham, Guernsey, Nash, Wilson, Taylor, Yingling.
The Academy offers many homeopathic courses to primary contact health care professionals who are trained in pathology and diagnosis.
This includes licensed or regulated practitioners of:
- Allopathic Medicine
- Physician’s Assistant
- Chiropractic
- Midwifery
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Dentistry
- Nurse Practitioner
- Students Enrolled in Above Program
Special cases may apply and should be inquired about.
Here is just a sample of the topics covered by our resources on case taking and case analysis alone:
Case taking
- The interview: a thorough review of the basic method, different strategies and interpretation of different answers
- The art of perception Horizontal and vertical vision
- Objective symptoms
- Examination of the patient
- Case taking of the acute patient
- Case taking of the infant
- Case taking of the unconscious patient
- Keeping good clinical records
Case analysis
- The totality of symptoms
- Classification and valuation of syptoms
- Finding the genius of the case
- Finding the simillimum
- Dissimilar diseases
- Complex diseases